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"[Art] is really our awareness and attentiveness to the esthetic potential in the nature of all things and the nature of ourselves."

- Robert Irwin

I began my journey at the University of Florida four years ago with the desire of learning more about the world around me and how people saw the world differently. From growing up in the Dominican Republic and spending most of my childhood there I always had a drive and desire to study in different countries and learn more about their culture. 

The widespread outbreak of the pandemic has greatly impacted my understanding of intercultural interactions between individuals. Because of it, I had been under the impression that studying abroad would not be a feasible option for me during my college years. However, thanks to the outstanding ISP program, I was able to fulfill my long-standing desire to study art in a foreign country.

As I embarked on my journey in Fine Arts and Art History, I was fortunate enough to participate in a study abroad program that furthered my understanding of art history in various cultural contexts. I was granted the opportunity to embark on a life-changing adventure to Italy where I was able to hone my artistic skills by studying under the tutelage of some of the greatest masters of all time. During my time there, I was immersed in a highly intensive program that not only allowed me to gain valuable hands-on experience but also afforded me the unique opportunity to explore a new environment and delve deep into the rich culture and history of Renaissance art. 

Later, after completing our initial studies, we embarked on a journey to The Netherlands, a country renowned for its rich artistic heritage. Specifically, we sought to learn from two of the country's most celebrated artists, Rembrandt and Vermeer, as we delved deeper into the golden age period. It was an incredible experience being in their native country and immersing ourselves in the culture and history that shaped their renowned artistic styles. As a result, we gained a much more vivid and comprehensive understanding of the art periods that defined their time.

The conclusion of our educational exploration occurred in the vibrant city of Berlin, where we had the opportunity to delve deep into fascinating artistic movements such as Dadaism and Romanticism. I never imagined that I would have the chance to travel to Germany for an immersion in the arts, but having experienced it, I now know that it's a destination I would undoubtedly love to return to. In fact, I am seriously considering the possibility of pursuing my graduate studies there in order to further enhance my knowledge and skills in the artistic realm.

These invaluable experiences not only enriched my artistic knowledge but also fostered a deeper appreciation for diverse cultures through their unique art forms. I am truly appreciative of the chance to participate in such an all-encompassing educational experience. As I delve deeper into the vast and ever-changing realm of art history, I persistently search for opportunities that will not only challenge my existing artistic viewpoints but also help me expand upon them, broadening my understanding and appreciation for this incredibly diverse field of study. This newfound understanding of art and cultural diversity motivated me to continue exploring the connection between art, tradition, and society. Through firsthand encounters with people of different backgrounds, I was able to recognize the profound influence that art can have on individuals and communities alike, ultimately solidifying the importance of embracing our cultural differences and histories.

 Although pursuing a career in the arts may have seemed intimidating at first, it has opened up an immense amount of opportunities worldwide and led to connections within a community I would not trade for anything.  Furthermore, through my work in the arts, I have been fortunate enough to network with incredibly talented individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering relationships and collaborations that have enriched my life and my craft. In short, pursuing a career in the arts has been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling decisions I have ever made.

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